Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"His Fifth Child"

An Arizona prison inmate was executed amid questions about which lethal drugs work best. I guess those drugs did.

President Obama’s speech about the military operations in Libya was timed to avoid going on against “Dancing With The Stars”. Maybe the White House really does care about gay people.

Kevin Federline is expecting his fifth child. Even President Obama is questioning his ability to pull out.

Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy admitted that he has trouble reading and writing because he suffers from dyslexia. And President Bush admitted that he has trouble reading and writing because he suffers from severe stupidity.

Virginia Tech has been fined $55,000 by the Department of Education for waiting too long to notify students of a gunman attack in 2007. I think the Department of Education should be fined for waiting to long to fine Virginia Tech for waiting too long to notify (that rolls off the tongue doesn't it).

A Florida man has hit the 100 gallon mark in donating blood. "I'm proud of my achievement," said the donor, Magic Johnson.

A study says that beautiful people make more money and are happier than those not as attractive. If that's the case, I'm going to end up homeless within the next few weeks.

That's all I have for today! More tomorrow!

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